Grief Therapist

Shamanic Practitioner


Grief Therapy Susan Hollins

I’m an Accredited Psychotherapist and Shamanic Practitioner. I’ve long experience of helping people navigate grief, enabling them to grieve and to live their life fully.

I specialise in helping people navigate intense grief after major loss.


  • People experiencing intense grief can feel unburdened. They’re able to re-engage with life while continuing to grieve
  • People are supported to explore any trauma and PTSD arising from their bereavement
  • They discover tools, techniques and resources enabling them to identify and manage the unique ways in which their grief impacts them.
  • People are helped to transition from feeling utterly passive and overwhelmed by grief to feeling hopeful and energised once more
  • They regain their confidence and desire to live their life as fully as possible, often despite and because of their bereavement.


Perhaps you know that your grief is a heavy burden which you can’t carry alone any more.

I provide you with the time and freedom to tell your story as many times as you need to so that your burden feels lighter.

I invite you to explore with me how grief affects you and how you can work with it, integrating it into your life.

The support and comfort given you by your close family and friends is special and wonderful. But what if your close family and friends are also grieving?

Grief isolate us, wants us for itself. What if you felt able to talk honestly about how grief is for you to someone outside your circles –  a Grief Therapist?  How quickly isolation begins to melt away then and you realise that you’re not alone.

My specialty is grief in all its forms. I’m able to help you regain your life balance and hope after a major loss.

Providing you with a variety of therapeutic resources I help you to develop emotional awareness and intelligence about your grief. Overwhelm reduces.

You may feel that grief has robbed you of any ability to imagine a positive future without your loved one.

I will help you to imagine and rebuild your life: to live well with your loss.



Grief Therapy helps you explore and understand how grief affects you and how you can work with it, integrating it into your life.

Grief is a heavy burden which we cannot carry alone. Talking with close family and friends can take us a long way, but close family and friends may also be grieving.

Taking your grief to a Therapist, who isn’t involved in your social circles, takes immense courage and determination. Talking with a Grief Therapist is a positive, self-caring step to take.

I provide you with practical and emotional resources to develop emotional awareness and understanding about your grief and to build a new life for yourself. Come with me on a positive journey and let me guide you.



Shamanic Healing is ancient. It can be found in early tribal practices throughout the world. It connects to deeper dimensions of consciousness, removing energetic burdens and old wounds, restoring balance to our lives.

I integrate Grief Therapy with Shamanic Healing. This can help to reduce anxiety, overwhelm and deep distress.  Shamanic Healing can also tend your intense grief. It goes beyond words.

Integrating Shamanic Healing with Grief Therapy takes place after full discussion with you, and with your consent.



Shamanic Healing is an ancient form of energy healing, tapping into deeper dimensions of consciousness to remove energetic burdens and to heal old wounds which don’t help us and which we don’t need to hang onto anymore.

Shamanic Healing goes beyond words, working at depth to release old emotional burdens and heal deep-seated wounds.  I offer Shamanic Healing as a stand-alone therapy.

I offer Shamanic Healing combined with Grief Therapy. This will only be be undertaken after discussion with you and with your consent.



Energy Healing is based on the understanding that everything has its own energy field. By everything I mean everything: your body, your pets, the trees in the woods, the rocks in the ground, the plants growing in the park or in your home.

My Energy Healing training was with Dan Kahn and Richard Knight both well-known for their healing work.


What is Grief Therapy?

Grief therapy, also known as Grief Counselling or Bereavement Therapy, is a specialised form of Counselling.

Its focus is helping people navigate  the complex emotional and practical landscape following a major loss and to integrate this loss constructively within their lives.

Grief Therapy gives you the opportunity to ‘tell it like it is’ to a skilled therapist.

It doesn’t stop there. As you make this journey you’ll discover new things about yourself and be given many helping resources to use everyday.

After a loss, grief becomes like an unwanted, permanent house-guest. It takes time and effort for us to get to know this unwelcome house-guest, to make some peace with it, and to live with it constructively for the rest of our life.

Grief emotions can be stormy, passionate and certainly massively overwhelming. Who knew that there were so many emotions we could experience?

Talking with a Grief Therapist safely and trustingly enables you to unpack and explore these deeply powerful emotions and to feel more at ease with them.

What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanism is an age-old healing tradition pre-dating all world religions.

If you feel drawn to it, it can become a way of life, nurturing your connection to the natural world, creating balance within and without.

Shamanism is found in all tribal cultures, from Mongolia to South America, from Tibet to all the Americas. Shamans are called and trained to be seers in the dark, to walk between worlds – the seen and the unseen.

Shamanic healing is profound energy healing calling upon the power and help of the unseen ones through the use of drumming, chanting, rattles, and crystals.

In Shamanic Healing we access wisdom and guidance for our life and be given healing for illness of body, mind and spirit.

Shamanic Healing works at depth, and over time, wondrously.

LET’S BEGIN the journey


I offer a free 30 minute exploratory session. This will be by phone or video call.

Grief Therapy and Shamanic Healing are provided separately.

Shamanic Healing can be integrated with your Grief Therapy after full discussion and with your consent.

BOOK A FREE exploratory session